From desktop:
- Use mouse wheel to zoom in or zoom out
- Use left click to rotate around the model
- Use right click to move sideways
From mobile:
- Move two fingers on the screeen to zoom in or zoom out
- Move one finger on the creen to rotate around the model
- Move two fingers together on the screen to move sideways
97' tries to condense 97 minutes of photographic record made over 4 months on a serie of 3D photogrammetries overlapped on the same digital space. This shows two spaces which were my houses in 2021, one in Argentina and the other in Spain.
As the pieces follow and mix each others, the places start to merge into one. The limits of here and there, with now and before, are blurred. The further we move away from its center, more these empty and incomplete objects lost their details and started to be ereased as they fall and fall apart, like water in water.
This piece was exhibited on "Poéticas Digitales #3" en el Centro de Arte de la UNLP.